Motivational Integrity

by Jim on October 24, 2012


Ministry Encouragement Podcast – Episode 017 – 10-24-12

Rev. Jim W. Hollis

Welcome to our seventeenth episode of the Ministry Encouragement Podcast.  I trust this podcast will inspire you, encourage you in your faith journey and give you practical tools for being more effective in ministry with others.

I am very blessed that you have taken your time to allow me to share in your life today through Episode 017. I’m Rev. Jim W. Hollis, the founder and Executive Director of Proactive Ministries, the sponsor of this ministry encouragement podcast.  Thanks so much for allowing me to share in your life through listening today.

I am going to be talking about the general theme today of: “Motivational Integrity.”  We will examine several angles on spiritual motivation VS. other forms of motivation which cause us to initiate and develop new relationships with others.

There clearly exists in many churches and faith groups today a poverty of spiritual passion.  It goes back to the root of spiritual motivation.  What is the integrity of our spiritual motivation?  At times our motivation to reach out can be guided by the wrong motives:  fear, arrogance or greed.

Motivation based on a foundation of spiritual integrity is very different.  Spiritual motivation that has true integrity comes from the heart of a servant, not someone who is in it to either build themselves or a group they belong to up for lesser reasons.  When motivated by the Holy Spirit we will choose authentic spiritual passion which is grounded in relational integrity.  There will be no hidden agendas, no selfish aims and no manipulation.

At least three costs exists for us in choosing spiritual passion: 1) We will find victory over our fears; 2) We will refuse any temptations associated with arrogance; and 3) We will consistently avoid and denounce greed.

Next I will share with you FOUR major keys to choosing and developing spiritual passion with integrity.  Jesus Christ is our example of how we can live this out daily.  Finally we will consider spiritual principles we can choose to follow in helping us make this real in our lives.

I want to encourage you to continue in helping us build Christian Community around this Ministry Encouragement Podcast.  I am beginning to receive positive feedback from several of you and look forward to having some emails with some of your personal thoughts about the Podcast.

Please email me at: and I ask you to please start your personal email with, “Dear Jim,”  which lets me know it is not a computer generated reply from a Web Spider that is programmed to reply with a standard response.  Some of these standard Web Spider responses are veiled attempts at advertising a website for commercial purposes and I end up having to delete them from the comments I post on the Podcast Blog.

Another major question I would like to ask you as a Listener is, “How are you using the information I share on the Ministry Encouragement Podcast to help guide you in your daily walk with Christ?”  Your input on this will truly be a blessing to receive. 

You may also choose to leave a Voicemail by using our Voicemail tab on the right hand side of the blog page for the Podcast simply by clicking on this with your mouse, and then speaking into your microphone on your computer or another connected microphone.  I will be alerted there is a new Voicemail and will listen to it.

Finally, if you are part of a church that is seeking to find new spiritual motivation for reaching out to share the unconditional love of Christ with others consistently in NON-confrontational ways, please give me a call at our Ministry Offices in Smyrna, GA: (770) 803-9988.  Should I be traveling and not in, our Staff will know how to reach me and I would be glad to call you back to take your questions.

Feel welcome to take a look at our Ministry Website: Proactive Ministries (

It is my prayer that you will be blessed, live our your walk with Christ in great JOY, and share this Podcast with others with your family, friends, co-workers and perhaps your congregational leaders.  Until next time, may God richly bless your life and soul.

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