Loving Those Who Resist or Reject Christ

by Jim on August 21, 2013


Ministry Encouragement Podcast – Episode #060  – 8-21-13

Rev. Jim W. Hollis, Host & Executive Director of Proactive Ministries

Proactive Ministries (Our Sponsor): www.proactive-ministries.org

Hello and welcome to Episode #060 of the Ministry Encouragement Podcast.  I am so delighted that you chose to participate with me in this week’s podcast.  It’s my prayer that you will be inspired, blessed and equipped for God to use you in new and effective ways in sharing the unconditional love of Christ.

This week I will discussing a topic that came to me from a colleague in ministry who emailed and phoned me with some helpful feedback about last week’s Episode on How to Lead Our Friends to Christ.  So, thanks Amy for your input and suggestion of a topic for follow up.  The topic today is:

Loving Those Who Resist or Reject Christ

While we would love to see everyone respond to the Good News of God, we know all too well that there are many around us who don’t.  Sometimes they avoid any voluntary contact with organized religion.  They span the entire spectrum from being passively resistant to aggressively opposed to Christianity.

They are by far the “majority” when we compare the stats of how many people in North America are confessing Christ-followers compared to the population at large.  So we are called by God to live among them, interact with them and hopefully be an influence in their lives for good.

Many of them are good people.  They love their families, have good relationships with their children and may have great moral standards by which they strive to live out daily.  Some of them are very bright, sharp and have read the Bible several times.  Others are not aware at all of what Christianity is about or why Jesus Christ is such a big deal to people.  And then there are those that have been wounded by the church and are now angry and lashing out at all who claim the name of Christ.

As Christ-followers we could each make a list of those we are in fairly close proximity with who resist or reject Christ.  Here is a short list:

Those in our families: a spouse; a child; a parent; in-laws or outlaws; a brother; a sister; a cousin; an uncle; an aunt; or the recently introduced, never-met-until-now relative at the Christmas family gathering.

Those at work: Our boss; our boss’ wife who works with us also; a supervisor; someone we supervise; a member of a Team at work; or the Owner of our business which employs us.

A Neighbor or someone in a group we’re in: Our son’s T-ball Coach; someone on a shared committee at the country club; someone we know in Kawanis Club; a friend in Junior League; an officer in our Home Owner’s Association; a next-door-neighbor who never cuts their grass; or our children’s Swim Coach who comes to practice with a ball cap on which reads, “Damn I’m Good” on the front.  Some of these we are around often but not voluntarily!

Those in church: A little lady who takes every opportunity to complain about children marking up the walls in the halls and not sitting still during worship times; the man who is constantly against any decision that would bring growth to the congregation or result in the church spending more than $4.99; or the Senior in High School who has let the youth group know that he has come for one reason – to find girls, though he is an agnostic.

Wow.  That’s just a short list!  Who is on your list as you consider this with me today?  I bet you like me, have some stories to share about those on your list who may cause you to call on every ounce of faith that you have to just be polite and pray the time will pass quickly. 

The real problem comes when we are faced with all the times we have to be in close proximity with some of these interesting people: Christmas; Easter; Memorial Day; Birthdays in the family; Family Reunions; Weddings, Team meetings at work and Funerals.  I bet you have more to add to this list also.

SO – I will be sharing in light of all the above, HOW to love those who resist or reject Christ in our lives by:

1) Reviewing our basic spiritual priorities

2) Checking what we are carrying inside of our minds and hearts

3) Considering ways we transmit guilt & stress or gladness & generosity

4) Relating to some of the “hardest” people to be around

5) Not putting trash in our own basket that does not belong to us – stop!

As always, it is a joy to have you in our community.  Please feel encouraged to share this podcast with others you know.  You are an influence in their lives.  Some have sent it via email to their friends and contact list, inviting them to consider listening.  Others have placed Episodes that have spoken to them on their Smart-phones and played them in their Sunday School class, Small Group, or in a group of friends who want to grow spiritually.  Use them as you will – they are for sharing the unconditional love of Christ!

And you know I would love to get your input on any of the podcasts that are online.  Check out the titles and topics available.  Most of all, your feedback, thoughts, responses and suggestions for new topics and Episodes are truly welcome.  You can contact me personally through:

Email: jim@ministryencouragementpodcast.com

Ministry Offices of Proactive Ministries (GA- USA): (770) 803-9988

LinkedIn: Jim Hollis

Facebook: Jim W. Hollis      

“Proactive Ministries” Facebook Page (Please LIKE)

If you would like to have a discussion about your church or Christian ministry, please contact me and I would be honored to hear what joys and challenges you all are facing.  As you know from earlier Episodes, our Staff and I often have visits online with Pastors and Church Leaders to discuss possibilities for their congregations.

Until our next time together, please know that I am praying for each of you and covet your prayers for me and our ministry.

In Christ’s Grace,


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